
Fire and Life Safety

Fire Prevention

To ensure a safe environment, the following guidelines must be observed at all times:

  1. Do not store excess combustibles (paper, cardboard, etc.) in any office space.
  2. Do not block fire hoses, extinguishers, alarm devices, elevators or doorways.
  3. Do not prop open doors leading to stairwells.
  4. Use only UL approved electrical devices.  Inspect them frequently.  Portable floor heaters are not allowed.
  5. If conditions exist that pose potential fire or life-safety risks, contact the Property Management Office immediately at 617-497-7711.

Fire Emergency

In the event of a fire-related emergency, control and direction will come from the Cambridge Fire Department.  The Cambridge Fire Department responds to all alarms and the Chief, upon his arrival, has control of all building and life safety systems and will give instructions and direction from the Fire Command Center. Evacuation orders are the responsibility of the Fire Chief.  However, in the event that the situation or common sense dictates evacuation before the Chief has arrived, or before he has been able to assess the circumstances, the Property Manager, Floor Warden or Tenant supervisor may initiate an orderly evacuation.  Evacuation must be via building stairwells to the exterior of the building.  Property Management must be notified if evacuation is initiated.

Fires During Business Hours:

  1. Pull the Fire Alarm Box (pull station).  These pull stations are located by each stairwell and will begin the evacuation process.
  2. Call the Property Management Office immediately, relaying the following information:
    • Exact location of the fire.
    • What is burning - electrical equipment or wiring, liquids, paper, furnishings,
    • The severity of the fire.
    • Your name, phone number, location.
    • Known injuries.
    • Assistance needed with physically impaired people.
  3. Do not attempt to control the fire if it poses a threat to your safety.  If the fire is small enough to be controlled by fire extinguishers, use the hand-held fire extinguishers that are located on each floor. 

To operate the fire extinguisher:

  • Pull it from the wall and remove the locking pin.            
  • Point the fire hose extinguisher at the base of the fire and spray in a sweeping motion.

Fires During-Non Business Hours:

  1. Follow the instructions listed for "Business Hours" emergencies, AND:
  2. Notify other employees located on the floor of the situation.
  3. Notify security at 617-497-7713.
  4. Notify Security and response team of any other persons who may be working late.

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